Tamar's personal coaching focuses your tarot card reading on the important issues in your life. Tarot Cycles are used by many subscribers as an internal form of personal coaching. Tarot Cycles help you live with greater consciousness, and also give you a practical tool for responding to life's challenges and possibilities.
If you are going through a rough period, the personal coaching of your Tarot Cycle, especially augmented with a private phone consultation with Tamar, will help you to develop strategies for surmounting problems. If you are on the upswing, it will help you maximize the possbilities.
By supplementing the readings using Tamar's personal coaching, you can work with her to explore the roots of issues that are troubling you, test out alternatives, and find solutions that will make you happier. You have the benefit of her experience and insights as well as a psychic cheerleader who will listen to you and care, energize you and support you.
The personal coaching offered by a Tarot Cycles reading and consultation will provide you with useful and practical ideas for coping with change and help you to plan for a more successful future.
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